Thursday 22 November 2012

Dont Lose Heart, He is with you.

1samuel 17;45 ‘’David replied to them’’ ‘’you came to me with sword, spear, javelin, but I came to you in the name of the Lord of Heavens Armies .The God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild Animals. The whole world will know that there is a god in Israel. And everyone assembled here will know that the lord rescues his people, but not with Sword and Spear .This is the Lords battle , and he will you to us.’’                                                                                                             

David was confident in God. He had faith that God will protect him and give him victory even though he was about to fight against an enemy much bigger than him. He did not fear. He faced his enemy and said exactly what was to happen ‘’the power of life and death lies in the tongue’’. As Christians living today we need to adopt a similar attitude.

Goliath was heavily armed and David had only a stone and a sling but he believed that the name of the Lord would be enough to conquer his enemy and it was.  We tend to always look for alternatives and look down upon what god has given us. We look at how big our troubles are and entertain the devil trying to scare us and as a result forget God’s promises. God is going to use what you already have to elevate you but you need to step out in faith and be brave enough to face the world no-matter how big and scary it is. Don’t look down upon your God given talent, and don’t look down upon your self. You are a special edition to the world and you have a purpose to fulfil, no time for shrinking and taking the back sit.

David acknowledged the power of God in what he did and he did not act as if it was all his doing. He had a very humble approach in what he did. “This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us.” Don’t let the circumstances around you stop you from pursuing your goal. We serve an extraordinary God and He cannot be conditioned by circumstances. He created the world and everything that is in it. He is able to do everything and anything. Maybe you are looking for a job in a bad economic climate and everyone around you is telling you it is almost impossible to get one but I just want you to remember he is Jehovah Jireh the Lord that provideth and he is in charge of everything.

Goliath was wildly feared and no-one thought that there is someone who could over power him but he was overcome by David, a small boy. Nothing is impossible in Christ. Maybe you are looking for life-partner in these perverse times we are living in, I want you to remember that He created each and every single person in this world and He can borrow you one of them to go through life with, one which he can entrust with your heart and your well being. He knew that right about now you would be searching for a partner and at His own perfect timing once He has perfected both of you He will invite you to your wedding. Maybe you are struggling with spiritual social, emotional or physical healing. He is Jehovah Raphah the lord that healeth and He hasn’t forgotten about you. Hold on tight and don’t lose hope. Don’t let your faith be shaken. In your weakness, his strength is perfected.    

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